Croydon’s criminal ‘Monkey’ survey wheeze
Croydon, Surrey, residents have until Wednesday 30 th March to respond to the Council’s latest crime survey wheeze. So get cracking and tell ‘em what they must surely know – crime and fear of crime is most people’s Number One issue and it needs action. Not strategies. Not ‘partnerships’. Not liveried vans. Not office-bound admin workers. Not glossy publications. Here’s the link: By the way – do you think the ‘Survey Monkey’ part of the web address actually means anything?? Is someone, some highly-remunerated council officer on a gold-plated pension having a laugh?? You’d think that anyone with half a brain already knew that crime and fear of crime was most people’s number one ‘community’ concern. Well, you would, wouldn’t you? So why is it that the Safer Croydon Partnership (nice, comforting name that is nothing of the sort) wants to know how we feel about crime and fear of crime? ...