Education…education…education… wmd…wmd...wmd
Remember when (1987) Tony Blair said that his priority was education … education … education? I do. Words are one thing, but hard, cold, figures are another … so a country’s spend on education, as a proportion of gross national product, is a telling illustration of that country's priorities. As is their proportionate spend on weapons. Have a look at the league tables below. And ask yourself some tough questions. How is it that North Korea can’t afford to feed its own people, but still manages to spend a fortune on nuclear weapons?? And consider Pakistan . Only 63% of Pakistani children finish primary school - one in 10 of the world's out-of-school children live in Pakistan . Pakistan spends 2% of GDP on education, yet is nuclear armed. And now Pakistan wants to spend billions on a Chinese military submarine system. The world is a mad, mad, mad place.