Time is Tight treat at Rayon d’Or, Croydon Friday 22 July, 8pm

R&B fans are in for a rare treat on Friday 22 nd July when instrumental band ‘Time is Tight’ return to the Rayon d’Or, Airport House on the Purley Way in Croydon.. It’s a rare treat as the band’s appearances are infrequent … and consequently very much sought-after. All the more reason, then, to get down to the Rayon d’Or and find out why people are saying that Time is Tight is the South East’s most talented and creative R&B band. But Time is Tight’s rarity is nothing to do with a shortage of booking requests … it’s a reflection of the demands of the band members’ second careers and heavy business commitments. One of the biggest commitments is keyboard player Giles Holland’s ‘other’ full-time job … as top ranked violinist Vanessa Mae’s personal assistant. It means global jet-setting, often at short notice. The band members all met up through connections with St Barnabas Church in Higher Drive, Purley where Giles is a regular organist and band conductor – ...