Athiests should be more tolerant say 'leading philosophers'
Oh joy - a group of "prominent philosophers (is there such a thing?) - are urging atheists and Humanists to be more tolerant! The group, including Prof Roger Scruton, say atheists should accept that Britain is a “Christian country” – and show “liberal tolerance” towards it. Their intervention comes after a group of 55 Humanists said it was wrong and divisive for the PM to say Britain was a Christian country. Check out the Scruton letter here, Check this out - PS: Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, an atheist, said it was “flamingly obvious” that Britain is founded on Christian values. PPSS: Atheists don't believe in God. Any God. They are not, necessarily anti-religious but KNOW there is no God or Gods. Agnostics don't know and don't necessarily care. Humanists, the people who whipped up the anti-C...