Croydon parliamentary double whammy - Jasper in, Ottaway out
Thinks are hotting up in Croydon’s political community with the news that ‘Red’ Ken Livingstone’s former race advisor Lee Jasper is to stand for the Respect party in the Croydon North by-election. And, a s if that wasn’t enough nose-bleeding news, we’ve got Croydon South’s MP, Richard Ottaway, who once claimed £2,000 expenses for gardening work on his second home, fixing a tractor tyre and hiring a chimney sweep, standing down at the next General Election. Apparently, he wants to spend more time with his family. The persistent rumour is that his departure will clear the way for Boris Johnson to take over what has always been the safest of safe seats for the Tories. Clear the way, that is, for Boris to bid for leadership of the Conservatives. But it’s the Lee Jasper news that will really liven up the Croydon North by-election expected on 29 November. George Galloway, the Respect MP said, “If I could have composed the perfect candidate to fight this seat then it...