‘No brainer’ council workers dumping waste … but will still fine us if we don't meet exacting recycling rules

Croydon Council workers, who will fine residents who don’t meet their exacting recycling regulations, have been caught dumping recycled waste.

An investigation by the Croydon Guardian has revealed council workers at its main office, Taberner House, are routinely throwing out paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, plastic containers and paper cups in the general waste bin.  This is then taken and dumped in so-called ‘landfill’ pits.

They report, “On two separate visits to the bins this week we found bags destined for landfill containing significant amounts of waste that could have been recycled.

“A source within the refuse collections services revealed that throwing away recyclable materials into landfill has been a longstanding problem at a number of council buildings.

The council claim that their compulsory recycling regime, which will start next year, will save about £200,000 a year, still short of CEO Jon Rouse’s £248,000 annual pay packet.

So now, I want to know exactly how rigorous they are with all the other waste they produce.  And there’s a LOT of it … mostly paper.  I will report back.

I’d long suspected that the council were being hypocritical on this matter.  It’s essential that in order for Council Tax-payers to have any confidence in this scheme, we need to see that they too are playing by the rules.

Cabinet member for highways and environmental services, Councillor Phil Thomas, reminds us that, “Recycling makes huge savings for the council, and that's money we can spend on improving services or keeping the council tax rate down. So we're asking all residents to cooperate by saving the council money while also helping the environment. It's a no brainer."

Interestingly a council statement says, “a dedicated council team is scheduled to kick start the first six months of the scheme by giving advice to residents living in roads that have been identified as priorities.

Residents who don’t meet these exacting standards will be subjected to a Chairman Mao style 12-week re-education programme.   They say, “the  majority of households are already recycling, so the focus will be on the minority who persistently refuse to put their recyclable waste out for collection, even after a 12-week process of personal advice and reminder letters. An £80 fine would then be considered, with a reduction for early payment. Court proceedings would be a last resort.

Sanctimoniously, Cllr Thomas says, “The vast majority of households recycle, and they won't need to change anything they do. We want to find out if people who aren't recycling don't have the required box or don't understand what they should be doing, and we want to work with them. If they then don't want to cooperate we will fine them and, where necessary, take legal action as a last resort."

Full story here, www.yourlocalguardian.co.uk


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