A Grieve error of judgement leave us none the wiser on electoral fraud

What on earth is going on in the Attorney General’s head? First  Dominic Grieve QC, says corruption in Britain’s Pakistani community is ‘endemic’ .. a few hours later he decides it isn’t? 

As a lawyer he knows full well what words mean, so why seek out an interview to highlight the issue of electoral fraud and then retract EVERYTHING HE SAID?

Let’s remind ourselves of what he said in Saturday’s Daily Telegraph about the growing problem of electoral corruption,

'Yes, it's mainly the Pakistani community, not the Indian community. I wouldn't draw it down to one. I'd be wary of saying it's just a Pakistani problem.'

'I can see many of them have come because of the opportunities that they get. But they also come from societies where they have been brought up to believe you can only get certain things through a favour culture.

'One of the things you have to make absolutely clear is that that is not the case and it's not acceptable.'

So now, we’re none the wiser…

Just what was this intelligent and highly educated man trying to say????  We may never know.  But he’s certainly set back the case for an investigation to our electoral system which most commentators agree IS open to fraud, especially using postal ballots.


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