Global recession or NOTW phone hacking … what do you want YOUR MP spending their time on?

Yes, yes, I know journalists are pond life, but there’s a rank smell of hypocrisy about the Leveson inquiry into the News of the World phone hacking.

As ex-Sun Editor Kelvin MacKenzie writes in the Daily Mail (yes, I know!) the inquiry is just about MPs getting their own back on the press for the breaking of the Parliamentary expenses fiddles.

And, can you credit the decision to give Leveson more power to investigate ‘phone hacking than that available to the Iraq war inquiry?  Criminal actions by journalists, or anyone else, need dealing with.  Let the full power of the (existing) law be brought to bear against the perpetrators.  But all the millions of hours and pounds spent on this inquiry, plus the silt surrounding it just diverts attention from really big issues.  Like, to take just one example, the impending global recession.

I don’t want my MP wasting his time on this nonsense.  And I don’t want my taxes paying for the ludicrous Culture Media and Sport investigation either.

Enough already!

I really recommend reading Kelvin MacKenzie’s speech to Leveson, in all its arse-kissing glory.  And, while you’re about it, read Daily Mail Paul Dacre’s speech as well.  (You do need to know, that MacKenzie is now a star columnist for the Mail).  Links below:


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