Time for ‘Time is Tight’ to go British – join the campaign!

More Sugar for Mr Morrison
Popular Purley R&B band Time is Tight have gained a reputation for stomping versions of Booker T. & the M.G.'s classics … but now a campaign is gaining ground for them to look closer to home for their inspiration.

‘Why not look at British music?,’ fans are asking … and now a petition’s been launched imploring the three band members to check out late ‘Sixties and early ‘Seventies group, Free.

Chris Myers, who lays claim to being the Time is Tight’s number one fan, has been bombarding band members with emails asking them specifically to look at a little-known Free instrumental number, ‘Sugar for Mr Morrison’, but without success.

As a desperate measure to get them to listen up and pay attention, he’s gone viral and is posting this appeal on his blog and Facebook.

So, if you’d like to see Time is tight go British – get in touch!

And, if you aren’t familiar with Free and Sugar for Mr Morrison, complete your education – here!


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