‘Britain, where are you?’ Where are the words we can use to answer?

What do we want from the Archbishop of Canterbury?

It’s easy – leadership, guidance, inspiration, faith at the very least.  And what do we get?  Easy; questions…questions ... more questions.  And no answers.

I always knew he’d be a disaster when some academic said, on his appointment, “here’s a man who knows how to ask difficult questions.”

Well, that’s pretty much ALL he’s given us.  (Not to mention apologies, for English hymns, missionaries and the rest…).

And now, the final insult – this Christmas: more questions.

He’s leaked the contents of his Christmas sermon.  And here it goes, “The most pressing question we now face, we might well say, is who and where we are as a society.  Bonds have been broken, trust abused and lost.” Brilliant!  He’s worked that out all for himself!

On and on he’ll blunder – “Whether it is an urban rioter mindlessly burning down a small shop that serves his community, or a speculator turning his back on the question of who bears the ultimate cost for his acquisitive adventures in the virtual reality of today's financial world, the picture is of atoms spinning apart in the dark.”

“Are you on your own side, on the side of disconnection, rivalry, the hoarding of gifts, the obsession with control?" Williams, who has faced splits and divisions in his own church over gay rights and female bishops, will ask in his sermon.

“In the darkness the questions sounds as clear as ever, to each of us and to our church and our society: 'Britain, where are you?' Where are the words we can use to answer?"

Enough!  Enough questions!  Rowan – give us some answers!!!


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