Time for ‘Dozy Tucker’ to move on …

Well, hello – the deputy governor of the Bank of England tells MPs – and the world – that the system for setting international interest rates is a “cesspit”.

Well, grammar aside (how can a system, a process, be a cesspit?) what I now want to know is … what has 'Dozy Tucker' been doing about this world-wide scandal?

The answer, of course, is – NOTHING.

Why wasn’t he escalating the problem as high up the system as possible?  And, if he couldn’t manage to interest Eddie George, or anyone in government, then why – for all our sakes – wasn’t he blowing a whistle as hard as possible?

He’s got to go.

Question is – who, or what, do we get to replacer him?

According to The Telegraph, Tucker says that “the market for determining one of the world’s key interest rates was a “cesspit” and banks cannot be trusted to be honest in several other major markets”.

Rather late in the day, he’s suggesting that other markets should now be investigated: www.telegraph.co.uk


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