Croydon Council meetings are to be broadcast live on Croydon Radio – will you be tuning in?

Croydon Radio - an on-line station tried a pilot broadcast in February saw 200 people tune in live and 14,000 people download the recorded version as a podcast.

Councillor Tim Pollard, cabinet member with responsibility for communications, said: “We’re keen to get more people involved in local democracy, and although these meetings are open to the public we know that not everyone can make it along on a Monday evening.

"The popularity of the trial broadcast in February has proved that this is a service that people value.

"I’m also really delighted to be working with Croydon Radio. They’re doing amazing things with their huge team of local presenters to showcase the interesting and diverse range of things that are going on around the borough.”

Tim Longhurst, owner of Croydon Radio, said: “Our trial broadcast from the chamber was one of the most listened-to podcasts we'd put out up to that time and I've no doubt that people will continue to tune in to listen to how our local councillors go about making important decisions.”
The February broadcast had several hundred listeners when it was transmitted live from the Town Hall. The podcasts of the event were downloaded 14,000 times and heard by more than five thousand listeners in subsequent weeks.

The pilot broadcast proves there is strong interest in how Croydon's elected and opposition councillors debate and make decisions affecting our town. We anticipate that the future broadcasts will prove equally informative and expect increased listening.


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