Staysure travel insurers admit customers bank card hack

Staysure – travel insurers specialising in cover for the over 50s – have admitted that at least 100,000 of their customer’s bank cards details have been hacked. But they're trying to keep the breach quiet, telling only customers and some industry bodies and the police. And they're not apologising.

In a letter to current and past policy holders they say first spotted the attack on 14th November this year … but waited a month before contacting customers.

Staysure haven’t admitted the security breach to the media and there is no mention on their website.
In an undated letter they admit that the attack took place “in the last two weeks of October” this year, but wait until the last line of a full page letter before ‘regretting’ the attack.

They claim that the attackers have not accessed card numbers, but MAY have accessed three digit ‘CVV numbers’. Although it seems scarcely credible, they admit that this information might be enough, when combined with information accessed “elsewhere”, to get access to customers’ bank accounts.

Staysure has informed the Financial Conduct Authority, the Information Commissioners Office and the Police. But, by NOT making the breach public, they stand accused of trying to limit damage to their reputation.

I for one, as a former customer, think they have behaved rather shabbily.


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