Trespassing, dangerous dogs, littering and prostitution not anti-social in Croydon - official

Oh joy – “trespass, prostitution, littering, malicious communications and animal problems” are not anti-social, according to Croydon Council.  And that’s why they took these statistics off the total to claim a 20 per cent fall in anti-social behaviour, when the true figure was a fall of just 10 per cent.

The admirable Croydon Advertiser reports the new definition of anti-social in their report on the posters that have ‘shot up all over Croydon declaring a significant drop in antisocial behaviour’.
The paper quotes a council spokesperson admitting that the figures in the posters, only referred to “rowdy and inconsiderate behaviour”.
Other incidents - including trespass, prostitution, littering, malicious communications, animal problems - were not included, she added, because “most people to do not consider them ASB”.
The posters contain no explanation of the council’s calculations.
The Safer Croydon Partnership - between the council, police and the fire brigade - said the campaign was designed to “reassure people that on-going work is being done to tackle rowdy and inconsiderate behaviour, and to encourage them to report more”.
The billboards do not include any information of how to report incidents, but do claim there is less “noise, drugs, street drinking, begging, threatening behaviour, vandalism, rowdy behaviour, animal nuisance and prostitution”.


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