Pot. Kettle. Black Right on Yasmin blames, anti-racists, academics and time serving public service workers who have been defensive and unwilling to condemn what they should

‘Right on’ Yasmin Alibhai Brown who for years has shouted down anyone who dares to challenge the doctrine of multiculturalism has had a (non-PC) Damascene conversion!

Writing in the equally right-on Independent she says the Rotherham child abuse scandal is a tale of apologists, misogyny and double standards. It ‘exposes the dangerous attitudes that exist in some of the UK's Asian communities.’

In a spectacular piece of pot calling the kettle black she blamed the white PC brigade she has so terrified into silence for the failure of authorities to investigate the 16 year scandal.  (In fact, that PC brigade not only suppressed reports, they blamed the victims for their torment).

Yasmin writes, “The Rotherham report will, I hope, stop the apologists and silence their usual denials and pretexts. I mean the anti-racists, academics and time serving public service workers who have been defensive and unwilling to condemn what they should.”

She says of the white PC brigade, “White experts and officers have for too long been reluctant to confront serious offences committed by black and Asian people. Such extreme tolerance is the result of specious morality, that credo that says investigating such crimes would encourage racism or enrage community activists and leaders, or, worse, make the professionals appear racist. So, instead of saving children who were being gang raped, drugged, assaulted, threatened and terrorised, they chose to protect rapists, abusers, traffickers and drug dealers. And themselves.

Yasmin – YOU are part of the problem.

At least she challenges the Pakistani community, “I partly blame their families and communities. Too many Asian mothers spoil their boys, undervalue their girls, and demean their daughters-in-law. Within some British Asian circles, the West is considered degenerate and immoral. So it’s OK to take their girls and ruin them further. Some of the most fierce rows I have ever had have been with Asian women who hold these disgusting views.

“I ask them to think what they would feel if gangs of white men took out their girls, gave them presents, took them places, and then seduced, beat and passed them around. The men might say they were rescuing the girls from oppression, showing them a good time, saving them from a life of forced marriage and all that.


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