Rotherham - council and police cover-up of 16 years of child abuse
The shameless Martin Kimber (above) ‘chief executive’ of Rotherham
Council, said no many of those managers are now working in senior posts at
other councils after escaping disciplinary action.
But the report, described the managers’ failings as ‘blatant’. And also points the finger of blame at
His council and the police covered up the matter over the y6years, even supressive supressing repoprts. The Council Leader has resigned, at least.
Shockingly the report says staff were terrified of identifying
the perpetrators as Asian for fear of being labelled racist.
Daily Telegraph report here.
But despite all this evidence, today’s Guardian
shamefully suggests social worker and police fears about being thought racist,
weren’t the issue. Most abusers are white, he says, as if that’s the end of the
matter. Oh well, plus ca change, plus ce’st
le meme chose – let’s steer clear for the sale of ‘community cohesion’.
The bleeding heart liberal author writes, “If we are still
shocked we are, sadly, less surprised by yet another example of the way in
which those in authority over decades disbelieved, suppressed or ignored
evidence of abuse. That is not just true of the police and social workers. The
warp runs through the weft of establishments from schools and children’s homes
to the BBC and the Catholic Church. Abuse was made worse by cultures of denial
and cover-up. The victims were blamed for what had happened to them. Whistle-blowers
were chastised.”
All true, but to close our eyes and minds to the problems
caused by the doctrines of ‘community cohesion’, ‘political correctness’ and ‘multi-culturalism’
is to fi fiddle while Rome burns.
At least the Gruinard acknowledges ‘the Asian communities (have)
a problem to address. Muslim women have criticised a culture of racism,
misogyny, tribalism and sexual vulgarity among men who hail from the poorest,
least-educated and most closed-off parts of Pakistan. Julie Siddiqi, executive
director of the Islamic Society of Britain, has called for a change in the male
dominance at the top of many Muslim organisations, which may have contributed
to their community’s silence on grooming.
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