Sick. And betrayed. Welcome to retirement!

George Osborne’s ‘granny-bashing’ budget has hit this new pensioner – hard.  George always reminded me of the boy at school who got bullied because of his smirk … and it was that smirk which so infuriated me as he announced how he was going to kick me in the balls.

I wasn’t expecting a betrayal of Britain’s pensioners, because George had shamefully leaked all the other non-controversial bits of his speech in advance.  He went all mealy-mouthed when he dealt with the awful implications of the ‘granny tax’, but it wasn’t until the analysis was done that we realised the awful truth – we’d been screwed.

It is bad; and here’s how it hits me…

1. First my age-related tax allowance, introduced by Winston Churchill no less, is being frozen and will be allowed to die out. 
2. Plus, it looks as if I will shamefully be denied my State Second Pension, what was SERPS.  I paid into this for years and now it appears George is stealing it.  This should cost me and my family up to £5,000 a year.
3. We scrimp and save to afford expensive flights to Australia to visit our son … George’s new tax will add some 50 per cent to our bills.
4. Plus, reports in today’s papers suggest that the government is planning a fresh cap on care home fees.

What a brilliant start to retirement.  What a betrayal. At least the government’s spin has caught them out – papers from the right and left have condemned this con-trick.


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