“It cannot be beyond the wit of government to impose simple limits on people to demonstrate they are genuinely seeking work.”

“It cannot be beyond the wit of government to impose simple limits on people to demonstrate they are genuinely seeking work.”

The Nightwatch charity in Croydon want the Government to restrict immigration, saying it is being ‘swamped’ with destitute people fleeing the eurozone's troubled economies.

They say it has seen a huge rise in jobless and homeless Europeans arriving as they flee troubled economies.

Chairman Jad Adams, speaking at the charity's annual meeting, said the charity could collapse if the Government did not stem the flow of immigration as the Eurozone crisis deepens.

He said the charity, receiving grants from the National Lottery and Croydon Council, cannot increase its capacity "endlessly" and its finances are now under strain.

"I fear that many people we see as clients are not exercising their treaty rights to come to look for work, but it is simply more attractive to be poor in this country than in some others.

He was speaking after fears were raised that the Eurozone crisis could lead to an increasing number of people from the worst-hit economies, and particularly Greece and Spain, coming to the UK to live to escape poverty.

Speaking about previous attempts to encourage Eastern Europeans to return home he said: "In the past we have encouraged the indigent Eastern Europeans to return home by using foreign-language leaflets and working with such organisations as Crisis and London Reconnections to help anyone who wanted to go back.

"The response was minimal.

"We have to conclude that all our Eastern European clients know about government-sponsored packages to go back to their country of origin, and they do not do so because they do not wish to."

In the past ten years more than 700,000 Eastern Europeans have moved to Britain for work and last month Home Secretary Theresa May announced contingency plans to control immigration should the Euro collapse.  www.telegraph.co.uk


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