Croydon's in debt ... and we're all paying

London Councils are owed a total £642 million in council tax arrears - an average of £188 per household.
Six percent of that total is owed to Croydon Council, who have – amazingly – slightly reduced the amount owing in the last year!!!
I suppose we long-suffering tax-payers should be grateful, but the £40m outstanding adds about £271 to all our individual bills.

UK Council Tax debt league
1.      Liverpool - £114m, adds £528 to average bill

2.      Hackney - £41.8m, adds £403 to average bill

3.      Haringey - £32.6m, adds £313 to average bill

4.      Hounslow - £29.7m, adds £306 to average bill

5.      Lambeth - £38m, adds £284 to average bill

6.      Islington - £28.1m, adds £277 to average bill

7.      Croydon - £40m, adds £271 to average bill

8.      Lewisham - £31.8m, adds £268 to average bill

9.      Newham - £27.8m, adds £265 to average bill

10.  Enfield - £32.1m, adds £264 to average bill


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