Free literature - from the Library of Myers

I’m thinning out what passes for my library.

Here’s a list.  Get in touch if you want anything.  In a few days they’ll be going to a charity shop…


  • ·         Elements of Marketing, A R Morden, 1993
  • ·         Eats, Shites and Leaves, A. Parody
  • ·         Concise Etymological Dictionary, hardback, Oxford, as new!
  • ·         Neither Here nor there, Bryson
  • ·         The Lost Continent, Bryson
  • ·         Notes from a big country, Bryson
  • ·         And I’ve discovered I have a spare copy of Mother Tongue, Bryson. It’s something worth referring to day-n, day-out (if I’ve used those hyphens correctly)
Riding the iron rooster, Paul Theroux
Blue highway, William Least Heat Moon
Surrey Within living memory
Talk to the hand, Lynne Truss
Management, R Bennett
Echoes, history of pink floyd
Inventions that changed the world


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