New Archbishop of Canterbury already having second thoughts
Err, let’s see … a rethink, yes that’s my first decision
He’s hasn’t even been ‘enthroned’ yet, but the new Archbishop
of Canterbury, Eton-educated Justin Welby, has already announced a u-turn on
gay relationships.
According to the Daily Telegraph, he says he will “re-examine”
his opposition to same-sex marriage.
Oh dear. Oh dear. Seems we’re going to get another
wishy-washy Bish.
How disappointing that he didn’t say something on the really
big issues affecting Christians and the Church of England – shrinking
congregations, secularism, the declining role and relevance of the church. Instead he focuses on homosexual marriage …
NOT an issue for most Christians, I suggest, including me.
His statement gives the impression that this is a priority
for him, while I want him to deal with the really big, important issues. Don’t you?
Bishop Welby is 56 and will take over as leader of the
world’s 77 million Anglicans early next year.
His predecessor, Dr Rowan Williams, steps down after Christmas.
Oh dear - this new Bish IS for turning