Oh no – looks like another middle-aged, white, middle-class Archbishop of Canterbury

But wait – it’s worse - the man tipped to succeed wishy-washy Rowan Williams went to Eton!  And he describes himself as ‘a theologian’ and an ‘ethicist’.  So he’ll be in touch with popular opinion then?!

How do we know it’s Justin Welby, current bishop of Durham?  Ladbrokes have suspended betting, after a sudden rush of bets on the man!  Surely the C of E hasn’t engaged in any insider-dealing?

If all this is true, then the dear old C of E has missed a chance to get a non-stereotype, in the shape of John Sentamu, current Bishop of York.  Sentamu is not posh, not white, not a rarefied academic.  In short he’s a man who IS in touch, despite being a few years older than Welby, a former oil executive, whose friends seem to have been conducting a sophisticated campaign to get him appointed.  How else to explain all bods who’ve been popping up on Radio 4 to sing his praises?

Ah well, the job’s not a permanent one and when Welby goes, perhaps we can have a more in-touch, ‘real’ man.  guardian.co.uk


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