Sutton - proof that decisive local government, in tune with residents, can get results

Sutton - proof that decisive local government, in tune with residents, can get results

While Croydon dithers, Sutton gets on with the job - a £140m new town centre development is set to bring 1,250 new jobs.

The contrast between two neighbouring local authorities - Sutton Lib-Dem, Croydon Conservative - couldn't be more stark.  Who'd have thought that the Lib-Dems would be more business -savvy than the Conservatives?

The tragedy is that Croydon is stagnating. Town centre developments have been on hold for years, while the Council dithers with so-called strategies and 'master plans' when what business needs is clarity.

Could the answer be in the politics?  Sutton has been held by the Lib Dems for yeasrs and the popular administration has also returned MPs who cut their teeth on the coumncil.  This unrivalled local knowledge must play a part.

Sutton's prize is jobs, hotels, cafés, shops and a new public plaza.

Crucially the development will bring Tramlink and make the town a transport hub to rival Croydon.

Croydon could - should - learn something here.

See this report in the Croydon Guardian


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