Qualified cats - bogus diplomas

A few years ago the wonderful Dr Ben Goldacre of the Guardian’s ‘Bad Science’ page got his cat a diploma in nutrition … much like the discredited ‘Dr’ Gilliam McKeith.

It’s a great – true – story that exposes the bogus McKeith, but it set me thinking – are any other animals so highly qualified?

It turns out there are loads of them!

Colby Nolan the cat was awarded an MBA degree in 2004 by Trinity Southern University, in a Dallas, Texas.
In 2009, George, a cat owned by Chris Jackson, the presenter of the BBC show Inside Out North East & Cumbria, was registered with three professional organizations, the British Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming, the United Fellowship of Hypnotherapists, and the Professional Hypnotherapy Practitioner Association, securing George's accreditation as a hypnotherapist.

Back in 1967 Oliver Greenhalgh, the cat, was accepted as a Fellow of the English Association of Estate Agents and Valuers, after a payment of eleven guineas.

Postscript - Ben Goldacre’s cat, Henrietta, was already dead when she qualified! www.badscience.net

Loads more qualified cats here.


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