St Paul’s tent invasion failure named a ‘hero’
The Reverend Giles Fraser, the churchman who resigned from St Paul’s Cathedral
rather than deal with the tented city invasion, has been named ‘Hero of the Year’
by Stonewall, the homosexual rights group.
Rev Fraser is known as an outspoken advocate for tolerance and
equality for homosexuals in the church.
He is also the founder of the Inclusive
Church, the campaign
group for full recognition of homosexual relationships.
Stonewall also named Cardinal Keith O’Brien ‘Bigot of the
Year’ at Stonewall Awards for his opposition to equal marriage and for saying
same sex relationships are "harmful to the physical, mental and spiritual
wellbeing" of ordinary people.
Colin Macfarlane, director of Stonewall Scotland,
defended the Bigot award. He said:
"We've never called anyone a bigot just because they don't agree with us,
but in just the past 12 months the Cardinal has gone well beyond what any
normal person would call a decent level of public discourse."
A spokesman for the Catholic Church said the award
highlights the Stonewall’s own intolerance. The BBC quotes him as saying:
"Stonewall's decision to award their Bigot of the Year award to Cardinal
O'Brien reveals the depth of their intolerance and their willingness to attack
and demean those who don't share their views.
"Stonewall and others have promoted terms like bigot
and homophobe relentlessly, in order to intimidate and vilify anyone who dares
oppose their agenda. It is an agenda which the wider public does not endorse
and which their excessive language has undermined."
Andrea Minichiello Williams, from Christian Concern, added:
"Neither he [O'Brien] nor any faithful Christian is homophobic.
Stonewall's attack on him reveals their contempt and brazen attitude to this
who will not capitulate to their agenda."
The event was hosted by Gok Wan and held at the V&A
museum in London.
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