Choirmaster abuse case – justice that cost a life

I am pretty sure I believe in our adversarial system of courtroom justice, but the story of the woman who killed herself after being branded a liar during the trial of her abuser has shaken that belief.

Kate Blackwell QC , defending choirmaster Michael Brewer who had abused her years earlier, did what she was paid to do – cast doubt on Frances Andrade’s recollections.   And, according to Ms Andrade’s son, the ordeal ‘traumatised’ her.

There’s no doubting the trial WAS an ordeal.  And equally, that our legal system depends on this kind of robust courtroom challenge.

But what a terrible price was paid in this case.

Ms Blackwell called Ms Andrade a ‘liar’ and a ‘fantasist’. Strong stuff.

Finally, Brewer was convicted of sexual assault.

The guilty person was convicted in this case, which you might think is the most important point. True, but is that all that matters?

Time, surely for us to consider a system of justice, perhaps like the French, where the first priority of all involved in the case is to find out the truth?  It’s a subtle difference, but this case seems to indicate that the defence’s priority is to rubbish the prosecution case, at any cost.  And get their client off.  And that’s hardly justice.

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