Heart-rending story from Morocco

I get a lot of these heartrending stories asking for help, but this one appealed because of its use of language...

"no hope for me to be a living person again"
"I selected you after I prayed and fast for one week over it
"I am willing to donate the sum of $ 5.3 million dollars, to the less privileged.

Donation From Your Sister In Christ
Avenue J.blohorn-01 b.p 1412 Abidjan 01
Cote D'ivoire West Africa.

My Dear you know that God answers prayers in many ways, now God has answered your prayers through me but if you believe.

I am Mrs Mariam Tinka from morocco a widow to late Mr.Kone Tinka I am 53 years old, I am a new Christian convert, suffering for long time cancer of the breast, from all indication my condition is really deteriorating and it is quite obvious that I wouldn’t live more than four months, according to my doctor and in all indication regards to medical analysis, this is because the cancer stage has gotten to a very bad stage that no hope for me to be a living person again.

My husband was killed with his younger brother by Rebel fighters during the political war in Cote D'ivoire because my husband support former president of Cote D'ivoire president Laurent Gbagbo, and during the period of our marriage we could not produce any child my late husband was very wealthy and after his death, I inherited all his business and wealth, my doctors has advised me that I may not live for more than four months, so now I decided to divide the part of this wealth, to contribute to the development of the churches in America, Africa ,Asia and Europe especially create solution to problem of less privileged ones and orphanage homes, because God helps those who helping others.

I selected you after I prayed and fast for one week over it, I am willing to donate the sum of $ 5.3 million dollars, to the less privileged. Please I want you to note that this money was concealed in a metallic trunk box and deposited with a security and finance company under arrangement as family available properties not as money for security reasons. The money was meant for a hotel business he planed to establish in Cote d'Ivoire B/4 he was killed.
Lastly, I honestly pray that this money when transferred will be used for the said purpose even though I’m late then, because I have come to find out that wealth acquisition without Christ is vanity and I made the promise to God that the money will be use to build his temple. May the grace of our Lord Jesus the love of God and the fellowship of God be with you and your family.

I await urgent reply.
Remain blessed
Mrs Mariam Tinka Your Sister In Christ


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