Whingeing double world champion Stoner slags MotoGP fans, sport

I’ll miss Casey Stoner’s sublime racing, but not his dumb comments about MotoGP.

Now he’s confirmed he’s joining the weird Aussie V8 Supercars series he says MotoGP fans didn’t respect him enough.

He told the Daily Telegraph, “They want to see biff and barge and they don't realise our lives are on the line. We became puppets in that world and it had nothing to do with racing”

"We got spat at [by fans], they tried to knock us off scooters going from the motor homes to the pits; we had a lack of respect from a lot of people around the sport and I didn't like the direction it was taking.

"Unfortunately they didn't like my honesty in the paddock.

"That was part of it, but more it was the direction of the sport."

Stoner will race for the first time in the curtain-raiser to Adelaide's Clipsal 500 next month.

What Stoner never got was that fans didn’t like his whingeing, moaning and complete lack of feeling.  He has no personality.  The weird world of Aussie V8 racing is welcome to him.


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