Eamon Holmes is another celeb who needs to shut the f up

Eamonn Holmes thinks he's 'clarified' his clear and unequivocal statement that the mainstream media shouldn't have "slapped down" the 5G causes Corona Virus conspiracy theory because "it suits the state narrative." Oh No He Hasn't. Either he apologises for his David Icke-ist views or he resigns.

Here's what he said the other day, casting doubt on media outlets that debunk the myth that 5G causes coronavirus.

"What I don't accept is mainstream media immediately slapping that down as not true when they don't know it's not true," the ITV This Morning host said.

"It's very easy to say it is not true because it suits the state narrative."

His attempt to set the recoprd straight, without offering an ounce of contrition is below.
The man's an idiot. As many experts (see below) have said, his views are an irrelevance...
But they are molftre than that - they stoke the fires of fear and confusion.

Dr Michael Head, senior research fellow in global health at the University of Southampton, said: "The world of infectious disease experts, covering a wide range of disciplines, backgrounds, countries and employers are united in that we know how transmission of a virus works.

"Holmes is not known for his scientific expertise and appears to have very little in the way of relevant qualifications, experience or any kind of written track record in peer-reviewed journals."

I think Holmes needs to be givenm the Order of the DCM*. He needs to go ..

*DCM, 'Don't Come Monday'


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