How the Post Office ruined the lives of their workers and drove one to suicide

There has never been a more terrifying example of the abuse of State than the way the Post Office persecuted 550 subpostmasters, driving one to suicide, than  the story of their failed computer system and the way they fought to suppress the truth.

And what makes it all the more raised blood pressure raising is the way the PO's execs, led by The 'Reverend' Paula Vennells, CBE, (pictured) enriched themselves in the process and yet will pay no price for their failures.  Her last salary was £717,500.

The cost of her legal action against so many innocent sub-posters and the measley compensation they have won, despite her campaign to punish them, is well over £100 million.

We all pay for her failures..

Ironically she has just been appointed as chair of Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust, a public body who clearly have no shame.

More on this excellent blog here

Ironic newspaper headline from The Times!

Read Private Eye's excellent expose of Rev Vennels here


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