
Showing posts from 2012

Heavyweights unite to lecture Croydon on takeaways

It’s ironic that the well upholstered Mayor Boris Johnson is backing a ‘war on obesity’ … in the borough run by the plumpest London Council Leader! Boris Johnson has thrown his not-inconsiderable weight behind a "toolkit" issued to Croydon Council to target the soaring number of fast-food outlets and boost healthy options. His intervention comes after new figures showing Croydon is among the top ten London boroughs with the highest concentration of fast-food outlets..   All of which, incidentally, will have been given planning permission by the council! The news is doubly ironic because Croydon Council Leader Mike Fisher is probably the plumpest London Council leader.

Croydon Council bid to stop employment in Coulsdon scuppered

Croydon Council has presided over a massive slump in the borough’s economy … now it’s trying to stop a local business expanding! Officials wanted to refuse Coulsdon business Doble Motorcycles' application to expand its site in Brighton Road, saying the design had become ‘unacceptable’. But, now after local people got in touch, they’ve woken up and re-opened development talks. Good news, but – who’d bother to open a business in Croydon with this kind of numbskull opposition from the people who are SUPPOSED to be supporting local business. The Croydon Advertiser reports, the council’s change of heart in the planning director’s own tortured prose, “I have therefore agreed that we will let this application go over the normal eight -week determination deadline so that we can continue to develop the design with the applicant, and hopefully bring it back on track. "I have taken this decision in the light of the significance of this business in Coulsdon and t...

Everything about Croydon shouts potential – new planning boss job ad

'Everything about Croydon shouts potential' blares a council ad for a new £137,000 Executive Director, Planning and Environment. In the apparently un-ironic ad – which doesn’t mention the departure of Nestle or the closure of Allders – applicants are advised that the council is ‘ driving forward its regeneration agenda and maximising (its) locational advantages’. The council is, says the ad, “working hard to ensure our young people are equipped with the skills they need for the future” Apparently the council is also helping “working age residents fulfil their potential.” And, guess what, Croydon “has to be a borough which is ‘Ready For Business.’ The new director, will “deliver outcomes across a broad portfolio of services! He, or she, will also have “strategic insight (and) political nous. But you’d never guess he or she will also have “experience of what constitutes excellence in service delivery.”????? Finally the new director will be expected to ...

Croydon Council’s difficult relations with the press

Croydon Council’s difficult relations with the press were beautifully illustrated recently when their CEO Jon Rouse orchestrated a move to have reporters ejected from a public meeting.   See earlier blogs . But, in a bizarre twist, he subsequently issued a response to reporters questions about the long-awaited regeneration of West Croydon after the 2011 August riots, SIX DAYS LATER!   No wonder he wanted the press out – he couldn’t answer their questions. The press asked about new car parking in the area for shoppers.   But it appears there won’t be any.   Here’s the six days late, stilted, over-written, jargon-infested, statement. "One of West Croydon’s great strengths is its public transport accessibility. "The council is building on these strengths through the Connected Croydon programme to enhance walking routes to, from and within the Croydon town centre and its public transport hubs. "Future developments in and around the London Road area ...

Jon Rouse - it's going to be a very, very different meeting if the press are here because I'm going to give ...factual ... closed answers.

In a bizzare outburst Croydon's CEO said he wanted the press ejected from a public meeting because he was going to give "very factual and very closed answers." He didn't explain what a 'closed answer' was. Full report here from the Croydon Advertiser

Croydon Council CEO 'uncomfortable' with press

Croydon Council's CEO has long had a difficult, or non-existent, relationship with the local press ... now he's effectively banned them from a community meeting he was at because they made him feel 'uncomfortable'. Media commentator Roy Greensland reports in the national Guardian,  The three journalists - from the Croydon Guardian, Croydon Advertiser and Inside Croydon - were excluded from a meeting of the west Croydon community forum (WCCF). It was held to discuss Croydon council's plans for the area in the wake of last year's riots. But the council's chief, Jon Rouse, was a reported as saying: "It is going to be a very different meeting if the press are here. "It is not my job to place myself in a position in which I have to defend council policy and have my words scrutinised and reported on by the press. That is the place of our democratically elected politicians." Forum members then voted in favour of the press being...

Fewer Whites, fewer Christians in Croydon

Latest statistics show fewer Croydon residents call themselves Christian - 56.4 per cent in 2011 compared to 65.1 per cent in 2001. The number of Muslims, has increased by almost half from 17,760 to 29,434 over the same period. White British now make up less than half of Croydon's population, creating a massive challenge for integration. The 2011 Census shows 47.3 per cent - 171,878 of the borough's 363,378 population - described themselves as being "White British". In 2001, the figure was 63.7 per cent. The second-largest ethnic group in Croydon was Black Caribbeans who make up 8.6 per cent - 31,251 people. Indians were the third largest group at 6.8 per cent - 24,710. Hinduism is the next fastest-growing religion to Islam with an increase from 5.1 to 6 per cent. Other than Christianity, the only other religion to drop in its proportion was Judaism by 0.1 per cent.

Qualified cats - bogus diplomas

A few years ago the wonderful Dr Ben Goldacre of the Guardian’s ‘Bad Science’ page got his cat a diploma in nutrition … much like the discredited ‘Dr’ Gilliam McKeith. It’s a great – true – story that exposes the bogus McKeith, but it set me thinking – are any other animals so highly qualified? It turns out there are loads of them! Colby Nolan the cat was awarded an MBA degree in 2004 by Trinity Southern University, in a Dallas, Texas. In 2009, George, a cat owned by Chris Jackson, the presenter of the BBC show Inside Out North East & Cumbria, was registered with three professional organizations, the British Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming, the United Fellowship of Hypnotherapists, and the Professional Hypnotherapy Practitioner Association, securing George's accreditation as a hypnotherapist. Back in 1967 Oliver Greenhalgh, the cat, was accepted as a Fellow of the English Association of Estate Agents and Valuers, after a payment of eleven guineas. ...

Sutton - proof that decisive local government, in tune with residents, can get results

Sutton - proof that decisive local government, in tune with residents, can get results While Croydon dithers, Sutton gets on with the job - a £140m new town centre development is set to bring 1,250 new jobs. The contrast between two neighbouring local authorities - Sutton Lib-Dem, Croydon Conservative - couldn't be more stark.  Who'd have thought that the Lib-Dems would be more business -savvy than the Conservatives? The tragedy is that Croydon is stagnating. Town centre developments have been on hold for years, while the Council dithers with so-called strategies and 'master plans' when what business needs is clarity. Could the answer be in the politics?  Sutton has been held by the Lib Dems for yeasrs and the popular administration has also returned MPs who cut their teeth on the coumncil.  This unrivalled local knowledge must play a part. Sutton's prize is jobs, hotels, cafés, shops and a new public plaza. Crucially the development will bring Tramlink ...

An American hero, an Anglophile and a heart warming story

What a great story – an American serviceman in immediate post war Britain who helped rescue 27 people from floods in Norfolk – has just died. His obit is humbling. Reis Leming was a 22-year-old American airman and couldn’t swim but braved storm waves and freezing temperatures to rescue 27 people during the devastating east coast floods of 1953. It nearly killed him - on his third rescue trip in a dingy he to be rescued himself.   He was taken to the American hospital at Sculthorpe. For years afterwards he had nightmares about the first remark he heard when he awoke — “cut off his legs!” — discovering only later that they were the words of a nurse wanting to remove his rubber suit so that he could be massaged back to life.

It's a Triumph, really. Ignore the doom mongers

Looks like the Daily Telegraph has got it in for Triumph motorcycles - a genuine British success story. Under the page one headline, 'Downhill Brakes on at Triumph' they report 'performance going into reverse'...yet they're actually referring to a less than one percent fall in sales (from £345.3m to £342.3m.  Not too bad in a recession, I suggest. Admittedly profits are down 29 per cent, but given the company's staggering investment in genuinely new models at this month's Milan Show, is that a disaster?  It's certainly not 'performance in reverse'. Over the last year Triumph has upped its R and D spend from £22m to £24m as it develops new bikes. These bikes are expected to include small-capacity models aimed specifically at the booming markets in India and Brazil, two countries where Triumph is actively involved in setting up new production facilities. Did the Torygraph's news, about what is a privately-owned company, warrant a fr...

St Paul’s tent invasion failure named a ‘hero’

The Reverend Giles Fraser, the churchman who resigned from St Paul’s Cathedral rather than deal with the tented city invasion, has been named ‘Hero of the Year’ by Stonewall, the homosexual rights group. Rev Fraser is known as an outspoken advocate for tolerance and equality for homosexuals in the church.   He is also the founder of the Inclusive Church, the campaign group for full recognition of homosexual relationships. Stonewall also named Cardinal Keith O’Brien ‘Bigot of the Year’ at Stonewall Awards for his opposition to equal marriage and for saying same sex relationships are "harmful to the physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing" of ordinary people. Colin Macfarlane, director of Stonewall Scotland, defended the Bigot award. He said: "We've never called anyone a bigot just because they don't agree with us, but in just the past 12 months the Cardinal has gone well beyond what any normal person would call a decent level of public discou...

New Archbishop of Canterbury already having second thoughts

Err, let’s see … a rethink, yes that’s my first decision He’s hasn’t even been ‘enthroned’ yet, but the new Archbishop of Canterbury, Eton-educated Justin Welby, has already announced a u-turn on gay relationships. According to the Daily Telegraph, he says he will “re-examine” his opposition to same-sex marriage. Oh dear. Oh dear. Seems we’re going to get another wishy-washy Bish. How disappointing that he didn’t say something on the really big issues affecting Christians and the Church of England – shrinking congregations, secularism, the declining role and relevance of the church.   Instead he focuses on homosexual marriage … NOT an issue for most Christians, I suggest, including me. His statement gives the impression that this is a priority for him, while I want him to deal with the really big, important issues.   Don’t you? Bishop Welby is 56 and will take over as leader of the world’s 77 million Anglicans early next year.   His predecessor...

Oh no – looks like another middle-aged, white, middle-class Archbishop of Canterbury

But wait – it’s worse - the man tipped to succeed wishy-washy Rowan Williams went to Eton !   And he describes himself as ‘a theologian’ and an ‘ethicist’.   So he’ll be in touch with popular opinion then?! How do we know it’s Justin Welby, current bishop of Durham ?   Ladbrokes have suspended betting, after a sudden rush of bets on the man!   Surely the C of E hasn’t engaged in any insider-dealing? If all this is true, then the dear old C of E has missed a chance to get a non-stereotype, in the shape of John Sentamu, current Bishop of York.   Sentamu is not posh, not white, not a rarefied academic.   In short he’s a man who IS in touch, despite being a few years older than Welby, a former oil executive, whose friends seem to have been conducting a sophisticated campaign to get him appointed.   How else to explain all bods who’ve been popping up on Radio 4 to sing his praises? Ah well, the job’s not a permanent one and when Welby goes...

Croydon parliamentary double whammy - Jasper in, Ottaway out

Thinks are hotting up in Croydon’s political community with the news that ‘Red’ Ken Livingstone’s former race advisor Lee Jasper is to stand for the Respect party in the Croydon North by-election.   And, a s if that wasn’t enough nose-bleeding news, we’ve got Croydon South’s MP, Richard Ottaway, who once claimed £2,000 expenses for gardening work on his second home, fixing a tractor tyre and hiring a chimney sweep, standing down at the next General Election. Apparently, he wants to spend more time with his family. The persistent rumour is that his departure will clear the way for Boris Johnson to take over what has always been the safest of safe seats for the Tories.   Clear the way, that is, for Boris to bid for leadership of the Conservatives. But it’s the Lee Jasper news that will really liven up the Croydon North by-election expected on 29 November. George Galloway, the Respect MP said, “If I could have composed the perfect candidate to fight this seat then it...

Croydon's downhill descent - town's being urged to set up a permanent ‘travellers’ camp

Croydon Council is spending £3,000 a week (they claim) to clean up after ‘travellers’ … but now those 'travellers' want to make Croydon their permanent home. It’s hard to know what to make of this.   The travellers blame (presumably jet-propelled) fly-tippers for the mess left on the sites they vacate.   But the news that they want to make Croydon their permanent home, after years of fouling the place cannot be more depressing. The borough is already a bit of a dump… now it can onkly get worse. Read the report in the Croydon   Advertiser Croydon Today

‘No brainer’ council workers dumping waste … but will still fine us if we don't meet exacting recycling rules

Croydon Council workers, who will fine residents who don’t meet their exacting recycling regulations, have been caught dumping recycled waste. An investigation by the Croydon Guardian has revealed council workers at its main office, Taberner House, are routinely throwing out paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, plastic containers and paper cups in the general waste bin.   This is then taken and dumped in so-called ‘landfill’ pits. They report, “On two separate visits to the bins this week we found bags destined for landfill containing significant amounts of waste that could have been recycled. “A source within the refuse collections services revealed that throwing away recyclable materials into landfill has been a longstanding problem at a number of council buildings. The council claim that their compulsory recycling regime, which will start next year, will save about £200,000 a year, still short of CEO Jon Rouse’s £248,000 annual pay packet. So now, I want to...

No more holier than thou - BBC exposed as a 'paedo's playground'

In the aftermath of the sickening Jimmy Savile revelations; what to make of the BBC’s posturing in the wake of the News International phone hacking revelations? They focussed on ‘tabloid’ excesses and we had a multi-million pound judge-led’ inquiry.   MPs queued up, with the BBC and the Guardian newspaper, to slam News International and demand press regulation. But now the BBC has been exposed as a paedo’s playground, as institutionally sexist, perhaps criminally so.   No longer can they present themselves as holier than thou. Yes, some sections of the print media are guilty of phone hacking, with no moral or news justification, but they never closed ranks to protect a paedophile, as the BBC did over more than 40 years. Esther Rantzen - why I did nothing BBC a fetid swamp: Telegraph blog

109 miles per gallon … but not in the real world

The winning drivers of this year's MPG Marathon recorded a staggering 108.78mpg, in a Ford Fiesta Econetic 1.6 TDCi. Now that’s impressive - it shows how motor manufacturers have refined the internal combustion engone.   But it’s hardly 'real world’. Real world is being stuck in traffic at a standstill.   Real world is short journeys.   And even with all the super new ideas like quick warm-up technology on the latest Renault diesels, for example, you can’t buck the physics – cold cars use more fuel. Former rally drivers Andrew Marriott and Andy Dawson managed the 108.78 mpg in last week’s ALD Automotive/Shell FuelSave MPG Marathon over a 370-mile route that took in the hills of South Wales and the Cotswolds.  They were driving very carefully and skilfully. But, crucially, they never once stopped to put their car in the garage to cool down.  Or go shopping!! As a result, they managed to improve on the Fiesta's official EU Combined economy of 85.6m...

Miliband's mob less privileged than first feared

Well, well – Her Majesty’s Opposition is much less privileged than I thought - 23 per cent privately-educated, to be accurate. That compares with 55 per cent of Eton-schooled 'Dave' Cameron’s Cabinet. I thought I’d better check this out in the interests of fairness and as part of my mission to highlight the menace of privilege in high places. Privately-schooled members highlighted. * Credit to Wikipedia for the info. * Question mark over Owen Smith.  I'll keep you posted Portfolio Shadow Minister Leader of Her Majesty's Most Loyal Opposition Leader of the Labour Party The Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP Deputy Leader of the Opposition Shadow Deputy Prime Minister Deputy Leader of the Labour Party Labour Party Chair Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport The Rt Hon Harriet Harman QC MP Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer The Rt Hon Ed Balls MP Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs The Rt ...

Just for laughs – Norwichers have least fun

All right, it’s only PR, but bingo website Jackpot Joy’s ‘research’ which shows that Norwich is the most miserable city in the UK is so clearly bo***cks it’s not true. Norwich is the capital of Norfolk - the funniest county!   When my brother went to buy a stapler in Norfolk , the owner sent him away with the words, “well, I do sell them but they’re not very good.   Try so and so’s down the road.”   They even mark patients records NFN, for ‘ Normal for Norwich ’. The ‘research ‘ puts Leeds tops of the cities for the number of time the average person laughs each day.   That’s ahead of their deadly enemy Sheffield , where they laugh just 6.7 times each day.   That CAN’T be right! Here’s the full ‘table, ‘cleverly titled the ‘FUNDEX of the most and least fun UK cities according to the average daily laughter quota   1. Leeds – laughing 8.7 times a day 2. Plymouth – laughing 8.6 times a day 3. Newcastle – laughing 8.5 times a day 4. ...